Keter Shem Ṭov
The first project is devoted to Keter Shem Ṭov or "Crown of the Good Name” which dates back to the 13th century
and is attributed to Abraham ben Axelrod of Cologne.
The German Research Foundation approved the funding of this project involving the Department for Jewish Studies and the Institute of Computer Science both at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg/Germany. … more
The German Research Foundation approved the funding of this project involving the Department for Jewish Studies and the Institute of Computer Science both at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg/Germany. … more
Moses Zacuto Project
This project is dedicated to the following aspects of the kabbalistic and magical activities of Rabbi Moses Zacuto (ca.1610–1697):
- Studying Zacuto’s interest in practical Kabbalah and the Kabbalah of holy names
- Preparing critical editions of his Sefer ha-Sodot (“The Book of Secrets”) and other works of him related to practical Kabbalah
- Locating and systematizing Zacuto’s correspondence
- Understanding the impact of magic on his halakhic and kabbalistic writings
Correspondence and Lexica of Holy Names Project
The third project will produce modern scholarly editions of three bodies of work:
- First, the extant correspondence of Rabbi Moses Zacuto (ca. 1610–1697) that are foundational for understanding his life and works will be published as both a digital and a printed edition.
- The second sub-project is a database of Hebrew Holy Names. This database will be built upon the collection of holy names Moses Zacuto assembled in the seventeenth century.
- Finally, the first scholarly edition of a hitherto unknown text belonging to the tradition of Israel Saruq, titled “One Hundred and Twenty-One Ways [of Interpretation]” (Quf Kaf Alef Ofanim), will be made available.